I don't know about you, but the months between April and August are torture for me. Don't get me wrong, things are great when you can watch College Football, then NBA Basketball, the MLB Pennant race and World Series, maybe even a little NHL here and there. But once the NBA Finals are over and the only thing on ESPN is baseball and poker...uggghh.
Finally training camp and pre-season football. Something to whet the appetite for all the upcoming Sunday afternoons and Monday nights!
Let's list all the great reasons to watch the NFL instead of reality TV this fall: Mike Vick, TO, Buffalo Bills with TO, Dallas Cowboys without TO, Jay Cutler, Brett Favre (couldn't resist, sorry), Matt Cassell, Plaxico Burress, Matthew Stafford, Mark Sanchez, Tony Gonzalez, Tom Brady's return.....need I go on? What reality show could even compare to these storylines?
I don't think there's any question that football (or American Football for those that insist on the distinction) reigns supreme in the United States. At least it does in this house. Now is the time for all the Fantasy Leaguers to make up their draft boards. Now is the time for overweight guys to dust off their favorite jerseys and make a beer run. Now is the time for all the Cowboy haters to start hoping for Tony and Jessica to get back together. Now is the time for Football!
Here here. Although, I am probably much more of a baseball fan than my brother, for example, I have to admit that there is a huge gap of activity on the tube for this couch potato between the NBA Finals in July and the return of Football on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in September. To boot, none of the primetime shows are new episodes at this point either and they usually don't start back up until the Fall, coincidentally when Football season starts! I find myself flipping the channels endlessly looking for something to watch - unless the Yankees are on (GO YANKS!). At least the pre-season in August gets our mouths watering and sets the table for what is to come soon. And these games are much more televised now than they were when we were growing up.
ReplyDeleteBTW - It's Football...period. We are in America and that's what we call it - Football. Soccer, by any other name, is called just that here - Soccer. This is not a debate. If you go outside of the U.S., that's a different story - but inside the U.S. it's Football and Soccer. If you don't like it, than criticize when you are outside the borders...
Which brings me to my final point - and you sort of led into it with your comment that Football reigns supreme in the U.S. Exactly. In recent years, I've heard sportscasters intimate that Football had taken over as the favorite sport in America - but none were willing to call Football America's "National Pastime" - which I thought was interesting. From dictionary.com:
pas·time (pās'tīm')
n. An activity that occupies one's spare time pleasantly: Sailing is her favorite pastime.
Let's face it folks, Football is now America's National Pastime. GO BLITZBURGH!!! Lol...